10 Ways to bond with your baby whilst pregnant.
Connecting with your baby and forming a bond with them starts during pregnancy.
Here are 10 ways to create a bond with your unborn baby:
Establishing a connection with your baby now can be so beneficial for pregnancy, labour and after birth. During labour, you will work with your baby (yep, they do plenty of work too,) so developing a connection with them now will allow you to feel confident that your baby and body know what to do during labour.
You probably already connect with your baby without even knowing it, simple rubs of the belly or responding to their kicks are a great start but here are a few other ways to start developing a relationship with your baby before they are born.
Here’s a list of 10 things that you can be doing right now to help bond with your baby during pregnancy:
1/ Give your baby a nickname (I used to call Lucy peanut…ironic because I’m actually allergic to nuts). Giving your little one a nickname will help you to form a relationship with them.
2/ Respond to their movements - If your baby kicks or turns over, you can give your belly a gentle stroke or a little tap.
3/ Keep a pregnancy journal - Really connect with your pregnancy, how are you feeling? What are you most looking forward to? What have you enjoyed the most about pregnancy? What are your hopes and dreams for your baby? Access pregnancy journal prompts here
4/ Sing or talk to your baby - As you progress throughout your pregnancy your baby will start to recognise your voice, singing or talking to them will provide them with reassurance and comfort.
5/ Listen to pregnancy relaxation tracks - These will help you to relax and de-stress, which in turn will help your baby to feel nice and calm too. You can buy 2 x pregnancy relaxation tracks, along with some positive birth affirmation cards here for less than £20.
The Pregnancy Relaxation Essentials Kit
Designed to help busy, expectant mums switch off, bond with their baby and be present in less than 8 minutes. Includes:
A pack of positive affirmation cards for pregnancy and birth (sent out in the post)
2 x downloadable pregnancy relaxation tracks to listen to whenever you need a few minutes to de-stress and unwind.
Pregnancy journal prompts to document your pregnancy.
6/ Take a bump picture - Appreciate just how amazing you are by taking a picture and documenting the beauty of pregnancy.
7/ Read aloud your favourite children’s book to your baby - You might even start to imagine reading this same book to your baby once they are here, a little routine that you can start now.
8/ Look after yourself - The happier and more relaxed you are, the happier and more relaxed your baby will be too. Happy Mum = happy baby. Take some time out for you, why not treat yourself to a ‘Baby Mama Hydrating Bump Sheet’. Like a face mask but for your bump.
9/ Slow down and register baby’s movements - Take some time each day to just sit and do nothing (if possible) and just feel your baby move.
10/ Gentle tummy massage - Perhaps when you are in the bath or nice and relaxed, you can give your baby a gentle tummy massage, nice for you but also lovely for baby too.
Have a think about ways for other family members to connect with the baby too.
Perhaps it’s your partner or other children that you have. If it feels comfortable for you, they could also try some of the tips above.
Why not have a read of some positive birth stories to fill your mind with confidence for birth, you could even read them out aloud to your baby.
Enjoy lovely.
Hannah x
Access The Pregnancy Relaxation Kit
Designed to help busy, expectant mums switch off, bond with their baby and be present in less than 8 minutes. Includes:
A pack of positive affirmation cards for pregnancy and birth (sent out in the post)
2 x downloadable pregnancy relaxation tracks to listen to whenever you need a few minutes to de-stress and unwind.
Pregnancy journal prompts to document your pregnancy.